Always Under Construction - the purpose of this page is to create a place where our school and P&C can inform our school community and receive feedback about our plans and our progress towards these goals.
Further information to come. To provide feedback or to seek further information email
School Strategic Planning
Towards 2026 - School Strategic Plan
2023 Annual Improvement Plan
P&C Strategic Plan
Operarational Handbooks
2018 - 2022 Teaching and Learning Handbook
Strategic Infrastructure plans:
- Click on link to go to Mini master plan - Performing arts building, OSHC building and Multi-sport facility
The purpose of our master plan is to begin the advocacy, planning, funding and agreement activities that are required to secure large-scale infrastructure that our school and P&C believes is desperately needed to meet the needs of families, children and the local community.
- Click on link to go to Submission to P&C for capital works priorities Document
Performing Arts Centre
|  Outside school hours care
| Multi-Sport Facility (Indoor field sports focus)
WPAC overview
- Click on link to go to Progress and update on Strategic projects Document
This document briefly outlines the major built environment activities that our school and P&C are focussed on to improve our school. Various funding sources are being or trying to be accessed to address these - P&C, school, grant and government.
| Current Photo | Concept Plan
| Cost Estimate
Multi-sport Facility - focus is on indoor field sports. All weather field sports using synthetic grass flooring - Hockey, Soccer, futsal, cricket, AFL etc. Simple overview Infrastructure comparison
| Approximately $3.1 million, concept design, costings, delivery plans and community agreement completed. Applied Go For Gold funding.
Renew IEC playground to create sensory garden and all abilities play space
Simple Overview

| To be updated - Funding received for further fixed play elements, Loose parts already developed
| $100,000
Modernise Classroom Spaces Simple overview
| | 

| Enhance a range of teaching spaces to include a 'teaching walls' and 'breakout spaces' and a technology upgrade- 10 classrooms - no price established yet. (2 Prep rooms scoped and costed)
Resolve Drainage & road safety Issues Simple Overview
| No progress - Hydrologist report received and plan developed for internal school works only. WHS review to be completed
| No Price
Internal drainage works conducted through car Park expansion and upgrade - Completed July 2024
Renew Junior Playground
| Completed - March 2023 P&C funded
Provide Shelter to improve Stop Drop and Go use
| .png)
| Completed - April 2023 $100,000 - School Funded.
Renew Rainforest Area - Outdoor learning spaces
| Further grounds clean-up, turf area, install play equipment $80,000 Path, Shed and clean up funded by P&C. Approximately $35,000