Prep enrolment applications can be submitted from March the year prior to attending.
Families wishing to enrol in Prep are asked to complete an Expression of Interest Form via the button below. Our enrolments officer will then email you and invite you to collect an enrolment information pack from the office. The pack contains information about our Pre Prep Transition Program which includes information about when we are holding Prep Interviews, Principal’s Tours and Pre Prep Activities for children and parents to attend.
Principal Tours
A great way to understand the benefits of Whitfield State School education is to book a Principal Tour. Whitfield State School offers a number of tours throughout the year. We invite you to visit and experience our school and classrooms firsthand. On the tour you will be guided through the school personally by the Principal and provided with a snapshot of our school’s opportunities, facilities, teaching practice and values. These tours are for parents/guardians only and bookings are essential.
Prep Transition Activites